Coming soon
Silicon (Si), after oxygen, is the second most abundant element in the earth's crust and makes up a large part of the primary minerals in the soil. Silicon in the soil plays a role in restoring the physicochemical capabilities for crop production, while in plants it acts as a protector against biotic and abiotic stresses.

BIOEST produces a wide range of liquid foliar fertilizers with an N-P-K balanced formula and micro elements compounded with natural amino acids.
Our plant and office are both located in the city of Cota, Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2.5 kilometers west of Bogotá. The company is backed by 100% Colombian private capital.
BIOEST started operations in January 1998 as one of the pioneer companies in the production and distribution of Foliar Fertilizers with Amino Acids in the Colombian market.
The products are positioned in greenhouse flower cultivation and various extensive crops such as corn, cotton and sugar cane. Likewise, they have also shown excellent results in tomato, potato, pea and vegetables in general.
Thanks to our knowledge as producers we offer services of Design and Development, Registration, Manufacturing, Storage and Dispatch of Fertilizers and Liquid Agrochemicals.
Whether you are a returning customer or just want a QUOTE, we are ready to assist you. Call us or write us and we will be glad to help you:
Landline phone: (571) 8985160
Mobile: 3160239819
Km 2.5 vía Bogotá - Siberia
Parque Portos Sabana 80 - Bodega 68
Cota – Cundinamarca